Join The Future of Live Music round table discussion
News: 4th June 2020 by Stef Loukes under Live
Thursday 11th June will see people from the music industry and leading academics from around the world, come together online to explore the question ‘What is the Future of Live Music?’. Clearly a hugely topical subject, particularly since the abrupt halt on public gatherings last March due to Covid-19.
The online event will start at 2pm on YouTube live, and include seminal musicians Peter Hook of Joy Division and New Order fame and 808 State co-founder Graham Massey, Liam Ogburn from the hotly tipped band ‘Working Mens Club’, leading venue and festival operator Aaron Mellor, Teresa Moore from a Greener Festival and business consultant/ expert on the social consumption of music, Tony Rigg.
The occasion also marks the launch of a new book called 'The Future of Live Music' from Bloomsbury Publishing, co-edited by Rigg, Professor Ewa Mazierska and Dr Leslie Gillon and featuring contributions from academics from around the world.
Messrs Rigg, Hook, Mellor and Gillon previously collaborated on setting up the University of Central Lancashire’s ground-breaking Master of Arts programme in Music Industry Management and Promotion, which has been producing music industry professionals since 2013, including Working Mens Club’s Liam Ogburn, whose band have had to cancel circa 60 shows due to the Coronavirus.
Tune in next Thursday 11th June via the YouTube link below...
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Industry and musicians come together for discussion about the future of live music