Collaborate with professional artists. Get your music heard. Make industry contacts.
News: 17th September 2015 by Louise Dodgson under

Frequencies returns in 2015/16 with four new events in Manchester, Newcastle, London and Liverpool. These whole day events offer you the chance to perform and connect with industry professionals.
The first event kicks off at Band on the Wall, Manchester on Sunday 4th October. Sign up by Thursday 1st October.
During the day you will be able to work side-by-side with professional artists including Jason Singh, Paugwé, Hobbit and the RNCM Session Orchestra and other musicians. This is a chance to develop your music in live workshops. There will also be an industry panel discussion about making a career in the music industry led by Un-Convention, which is your chance to hear from the professionals, ask those burning questions and get their advice.
Book now for Frequencies Manchester via the link below. Frequencies is for anyone 21 and under.
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music for youth, frequencies, music industry networking, music workshop, music training, music seminar, band on the wall, unsigned bands, unsigned musicians, emerging artists