IFPI and RIAA renew attack on Google over unfulfilled piracy promises
News: 16th January 2015 by Louise Dodgson under Finance, Law & Music Business, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music
The organisations representing the recording industries internationally, the IFPI and RIAA, have renewed their attack on Google as they claim the seach engine is not doing all it can to deter music piracy. They have previously requested that Google downgrade music piracy platforms in its search results but this hasn't happened.
Spurred on by the fact that every prominent link to a piracy site takes away the opportunity for a musician to earn deserved royalties, heads at RIAA and IFPI have come together to suggest that Google adopts a new 5 point plan created to tackle online piracy. Take a look at the article below to get the full lowdown...
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google, music piracy, ifpi, international federation of phonographic industry, riaa, recording industry association of america