Spotify overload! How labels can best use it, Nigel Godrich's views & should musicians boycott the service?
News: 3rd September 2013 by Louise Dodgson under Artist Managers, Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music
It's only been a couple of weeks so about time we posted something about Spotify who seem to be constantly in the news for one reason or another! We've gathered together a number of articles we've come across which are definitely worth a look! Firstly, the Midem website give a breakdown to record labels of how make the most of Spotify; how to optimise their presence, how to get fans to listen and the like.
The second article features none other than producer to the stars Nigel Godrich who offers up his opinions on the music streaming service. And finally, we found a interesting outlook on Billboard this morning posing the question: 'What If Musicians Went on Strike Against Digital Services Like Spotify?' So wallow in Spotify musings and ponderings to your hearts content via the links below...
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spotify, nigel godrich, music streaming, streaming rates, music income, digital music