Piracy battle continues as labels plan to block more domains
News: 22nd May 2013 by Louise Dodgson under Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music
Since the days of the Pirate Bay saga, the record labels and recording industry bodies trying to get ISPs on side to block dodgy torrent sites to cut down on illegal downloading, and the requests made to Google and other search engines flag up any websites showing in their results that were suspected of copyright infringement, you may have thought that the battle against piracy had died down and got a little quiet.
But no! The battle indeed wages on and the latest planned action from the BPI and UK record labels is a mass block on those remaining dodgy domains, putting more pressure on the ISPs to put blocking into effect of up to 25 sites identified as infringing music copyright. Check out the link below to find out more about the proposed actions and see which torrent sites and search engines are on the hitlist.
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bpi, record labels, illegal downloading, music piracy, torrent sites, digital music, music industry, recording industry