Filesharers blamed for dip in CD sales...
News: 1st June 2010 by Stef Loukes under Record Labels, Selling & Distributing Your Music
Artists have not been suffering entirely during the recession with reported rises from ticket and merchandise sales. Physical music sales however, are beginning to tumble. Whilst iTunes are the steadfast champions of the legal digital music downloads, the numbers of CDs shipped to retail stores have taken a dive with the majority of the blame placed on illegal file sharing.
Today's report in the ABA journal hints that file sharing companies are increasingly finding new ways of escaping legal action in order to continue with their business. Despite this, since 1999 some 35,000 individuals have had legal action taken against them - a number which is said to be on the rise. The 'three strikes' incentive is slowly making its way towards the UK after success in other parts of Europe, but is it going to be enough to tackle the sheer number of those downloading content illegally?
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technology, legal downloads, illegal downloads, filesharing, record labels